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Lehrbuchsammlung Wirtschaftswissenschaften Lehrbuchsammlung Wirtschaftspolitik Unternehmen & Führung im Wandel Implications from Modern Economic Theory Abschlussarbeiten

Schriftenreihe Implications from Modern Economic Theory


Band 02




Monetary Conditions, Financial Markets and Asset Price Dynamics

Christian Drescher

39,90,- €

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The doctoral thesis addresses open research questions in the field of monetary economics in a series of papers. The focus of these papers lies on the nexus among monetary conditions, financial markets and asset price dynamics. The series of papers (1) analyze the information content of excess liquidity measures, (2) address the shortcomings of conventional measures of monetary conditions and develops the concept of market leverage, (3) examine if US monetary policy at least implicitly responds to asset prices, (4) draw a roadmap of asset bubbles worldwide, (5) suggest that monetary policy can impede the probability of simultaneous asset bubbles and (6) analyze the effects of monetary policy in financial markets using a heterogeneous agent model.

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Minimum Quality Standards on Oligopolistic Markets

Band 01





Minimum Quality Standards on Oligopolistic Markets

Institutionelle Erfolgsfaktoren für sektorspezifische
Infrastrukturprivatisierungen in Chile und Peru

Gunnar Oldehaver

39,90,- €

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The present book deals with vertical product differentiation and minimum quality standards on oligopolistic markets. Two products are said to be vertically differentiated if at equal prices all consumers agree about the product ranking and prefer the same product. This kind of pro-duct differentiation is also referred to as quality competition. An important tool of regulation in the context of vertical product differentiation is a so-called minimum quality standard. If a regulation authority introduces a minimum quality standard in a market or industry, no firm is allowed to produce or offer products of lower quality than the requested minimum quality. Today we observe minimum quality standards in many markets and industries. Reasons to adopt a minimum quality standard are various; for environmental concerns, safety reasons, informational asymmetries or externalities, to name just a few.

This book is a contribution to the analysis of minimum quality standards on oligopolistic markets. It extends the existing literature in three ways. The dynamic effects of a minimum quality standard under the assumption of Cournot competition are analyzed, the effects of a minimum quality standard in vertically related markets are considered, and the effects of a minimum quality standard under two-dimensional vertical product differentiation are investigated.

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  Stefan Hähnel | NMP-Verlag | Beethovenstraße 18 | D-95448 Bayreuth | E-Mail: info@nmp-verlag.de  